Sunday, February 5, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday

Six Sentence Sunday

I figured I would join in on the fun, and each Sunday in February (or maybe more, haven’t decided) I will post six sentences from one of my current works in progress.  This week comes from my Steampunk novel, the Ulysses.

Hair black as the feathers of a crow, set in a faux hawk, Mia perfected the traditional style of her Cherokee ancestry every morning. A few lose strands of hair still floated wildly around the back of her neck.  It was never easy to capture her shoulder length hair alone for the time consuming process. Her dark brown eyes glared out into the openness which was the reason for her smile. Everything looked at peace so high above the world. War paint, once it would have intimidated those she face now lost its effect  with her clothing, a thick streak of red paint stretched across her eyes to her ears and two black of finger width rested on each cheek.

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